{{keywords>freebsd,bsd,unix,amstrad,pcw,joyce,anne,article,howto,guide,faq}} ====== JOYCE for UNIX ====== ===== Environment ===== * FreeBSD 13.x, 14.x * [[https://docs.freebsd.org/en/books/handbook/x11/|X11]] (e.g. ''x11/xorg'') ===== Dependencies ===== * ''devel/sdl12'' * ''graphics/png'' * ''lang/gcc11'' (JOYCE 2.4.2 - Stable) * ''lang/gcc13'' (JOYCE 2.5.3 - Development) * ''textproc/libxml2'') ===== Overview ===== [[https://www.seasip.info/Unix/Joyce/index.html|JOYCE for UNIX]] is an Amstrad PCW emulator written by John Elliott, and includes both JOYCE for emulating classic PCWs as well as ANNE which emulates the PcW16. ===== JOYCE 2.4.2 (Stable) ===== ==== Install Dependencies ==== # pkg install -y devel/sdl12 graphics/png lang/gcc11 textproc/libxml2 ==== Fetch and Untar ==== # fetch https://www.seasip.info/Unix/Joyce/joyce-2.4.2.tar.gz # tar xvfz joyce-2.4.2.tar.gz # cd joyce-2.4.2 ==== Build and Install ==== # CXXFLAGS=-std=c++11 ./configure # make # make install ===== JOYCE 2.5.3 (Development) ===== ==== Install Dependencies ==== # pkg install -y devel/sdl12 graphics/png lang/gcc13 textproc/libxml2 ==== Fetch and Untar ==== # fetch https://www.seasip.info/Unix/Joyce/joyce-2.5.3.tar.gz # tar xvfz joyce-2.5.3.tar.gz # cd joyce-2.5.3 ==== Fix PcwGuest.cxx ==== Edit ''bin/PcwGuest.cxx'' and change: void PcwGuest::yield() { #ifdef HAVE_SCHED_YIELD sched_yield(); #else SDL_Delay(0); #endif } to: void PcwGuest::yield() { SDL_Delay(0); } ==== Build and Install ==== # ./configure # make # make install ===== Running JOYCE and ANNE ===== JOYCE can be found at ''/usr/local/bin/xjoyce'', and ANNE at ''/usr/local/bin/xanne''. Note that you will need a valid [[https://www.habisoft.com/pcwwiki/doku.php?id=es:sistema:indice|boot image]] for the emulator to be useful. ===== Software ===== The most complete source of Amstrad PCW software can be found at the [[https://www.habisoft.com/pcwwiki/doku.php?id=es:start|PCW Wiki]]. Note that the Spanish version is the most complete, so use Google Translate if you have difficulty understanding the language. ===== Thank You ===== A huge thanks to [[https://www.seasip.info/|John Elliott]] for not only writing and maintaining these emulators, but for his help compiling them to run under FreeBSD.